Saving money can sometimes seem like throwing money into a hole. You save a little this month, then you have a huge, maybe unexpected expense the next month. For times such as this, I don’t know what the answer is other than the fact that God provides.
God’s provision is a biblical principle that I grew up hearing my parents reference on a regular basis. I began seeing this principle demonstrated first hand when I was in college and have seen it confirmed even in recent weeks and months.
This past year we had many unexpected expenses, including medical bills. Even with insurance, those bills can be hefty! I specifically saw God provide for us in the last year, and two particular instances come to mind. I will not go into detail regarding the circumstances, but the Lord used a family member and some friends to help meet our needs. This is a reminder for me to listen to the Lord’s leading if He places a desire in my heart to help someone in need.
So I just took a little rabbit trail, but maybe it encouraged your heart in some way.
Two Proven Ways to Save Money in the New Year:
Number 1… Declutter Your House
I like organization and cleaning out. It’s in my make-up and has been as long as I remember. As a teenager I recall cleaning out my little closet on a regular basis, reorganizing, and seeing if there was anything to send away! Decluttering can not only save you money, but it can also make money for you! You can always donate your clutter to a thrift shop, but you can also consign the items or have a yard sale! During the month of December, I received $36 from a consignment shop that sold some of my home décor items that I was no longer using! It may not seem like much, but every little bit helps! Diapers, anyone!!?
Number 2… Don’t Impulse Spend
It’s so easy to buy things without thinking if you aren’t aware. Online and in-store marketers are ingenious! A certain neighborhood store has it all, and it’s easy to overspend on a weekly basis! My dad says all this particular store needs is a church and a funeral home and no one would ever need to go anywhere else! The key is to think before you buy. Is this a purchase that you or your child will lose interest in after a few days or weeks? If so, maybe it’s not the best choice. I read a social media article not long ago that suggested spending money on experiences, not things to clutter your home. Something to think about, isn’t it?
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